
Dead or alive 5
Dead or alive 5

Game is extremely fast on steam! I have the wireless 360 controller for windows and it works flawlessly. Random thoughts: The loading time in the PS4 is surprisingly good, but not nearly as nice as having the game installed on your SSD. I mainly play local competitive or arcade mode so I'm not missing out.

dead or alive 5

No steam online for 3 months which would make this a terrible purchase for you if you only play online. Online: No debate here.PS4 has full online with the cool share button features as well. Very strange as I thought every playstation game was required to have them.

dead or alive 5

***Quick side note - I bought the story mode on PSN because I thought you needed it to get trophies.but there aren't any on PSN either.

dead or alive 5

Giving this game a bad review due to the lack of the soft engine is like hating a hamburger because the bun has 2% less sesame seeds. MAYBE if I bring my laptop downstairs and pause both versions side by side I'd see a difference.no guarantees. All this noise about the soft engine and some items being equivalent to the ps3 version is totally crazy. The graphics are basically equal on both versions (But I get a better framerate on my laptop). Here's a little detail about the difference between the two versions: Graphics: Don t be so quick to dismiss the PC version. I bought this version as DOA is my favorite fighting game of all time and I want to play it when I travel on my laptop.

dead or alive 5

Are people just reading the somewhat negative notes about this game and making bad reviews over it? First off - I own the ps4 copy as well.

Dead or alive 5